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The Journey Home, Hugs and Kisses from Heaven, - offers a message of hope and eternal love for young children who are learning to live without a loved one.
Kiki and Oscar, and their angel friends Alexandra and Maksim, share a beautiful story about Granny, who went to Heaven to be with Grandpa and Scottie, their cheeky dog. Throughout this book, Granny shares her feelings of joy and happiness after being reunited with Grandpa. Even though she has left her family on earth, her eternal love remains very much alive.

This story shares Granny's journey, displaying how she communicates to her loved ones through rainbows, dancing butterflies, and other wonderful signs.

See if you can find the shining yellow star on each picture!



About the Author

At the age of nine Charlotte's beloved uncle, a very kind and good man, passed away. She was so shocked and could not comprehend how such a wonderful person could be taken away from her. Charlotte had so many questions which are what started her deeper questioning and understanding of angels and heaven.


Charlotte knew that she wanted to help people and she, therefore, became a therapist. She wanted to aid others in finding their inner strength and talent. She found that in a lot of her clients a greater belief in angels in childhood could have helped them overcome life’s struggles, hence she created the Little Angel Hugs™ dolls to help children and show them they are never alone, that they are loved and that there is always someone watching over them. 

She also often told her own children bedtime stories. Creating them on the spot, her children got very excited about them, urging her to write them down so that she could re-tell them.

One perfect summer’s day, on a boat on a beautiful calm sea, Charlotte sat quietly in a peaceful, beautifully-lit room and started to write down the story she felt so deeply in her heart. Whilst writing, she observed a big pure white feather amongst a bouquet of flowers. This was a sign for her to share the story with others. The story The Journey Home, Hugs and Kisses from Heaven was born.


The Journey Home, Hugs and Kisses from Heaven, a story of ongoing love, features the angels Alexandra and Maksim, the two angel dolls that she first created.  They play an important role as both guides and friends in the story of a beloved Granny going to heaven.


Charlotte deeply believes in the wisdom of many children and how they often can teach adults how to reconnect with their inner truth and happiness. 


She hopes that The Journey Home, Hugs and Kisses from Heaven will be a ray of sunshine in difficult times and may remind us all that true love is everlasting.

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